Is there a veterinarian on staff?
We do not have a veterinarian on staff. However, it is our policy to contact your pet's personal vet should the need arise. In a concerning situation, we will always try to contact you, first, and then take the pet to his / her personal vet. If it is an after-hours emergency situation, we also use the Animal Emergency Center for problems that can't wait for normal office hours. All veterinarian expenses are the responsibility of the pet owner.

Can we come to visit Mallard Pointe Kennels prior to boarding our pet?
Absolutely! We encourage visits to our facility to meet our staff and have your questions answered. You are invited to stop by during any of our open business hours Monday through Friday. No weekend visits, please, as the staff will not have adequate availability to give you the attention you rightfully deserve.

What supplies do I need to bring for my dog?
In general, we say that the owner needs to supply food, treats, and toys. We highly recommend that you bring your dog’s own supplies for one main reason – we want their transition to the boarding kennel environment to be as seamless as possible. The more we can maintain their routine, and surround them with items that “feel like home,” the better!

Each kennel contains a Kuranda bed and plush bedding, but if there is something special you’d like to bring from home, feel free. We do a lot of laundry at MPK, so please ensure that any blankets or beds are returned to you at pick-up. We prefer that you do not bring plush beds from home, as they do not wash and dry well in our machines.

If your dog has any medications, please supply those, with dosing instructions, at drop-off. In addition, please provide a copy of vaccination records, if it is your first visit to MPK or if your pet has recently been to the vet.

What vaccinations are needed for my pet?
We require proof of rabies, distemper / parvo, and bordetella (kennel cough) vaccinations for dogs to be boarded or groomed at the kennel. For cats, we require proof of feline distemper and rabies vaccines. Your pet’s veterinarian can fax us a copy of the records at (309) 949-3403, email us a copy at mallardpointe@yahoo.com, or you can bring a copy at drop-off.

If my pet is on medication, will you administer it?
We do administer medications. Please provide the medication along with complete instructions on the dosage and frequency. We will also administer injections for a small fee.

Is my pet exercised?
The design of our 17-foot indoor / outdoor runs allows ample room for your pet to get plenty of exercise on their own. However, we do offer nature walks and time in our fenced-in play yard for an additional fee. All exercises are one-on-one with a Mallard Pointe employee, as we do not mix non-family dogs for safety reasons. We like to take this time to get to know your pet on a more personal level.

Is the kennel heated and / or air conditioned?
Yes, the kennel is heated to a comfortable temperature using an infra-red heating system. This system heats the floors, walls, and pets without creating a draft, common with older forced air systems. Yes, the kennel is air conditioned. We use the air conditioning system to cut the humidity in the kennel wings when the temperatures are too warm to leave the doors open all day. There are also large wall-mounted fans that circulate the air during summer months.

What forms of payment do you accept and when is it due?
Payment is not due until you come to pick-up your pet. We accept cash, check, debit cards, and all types of major credit cards.

Is a staff member at the kennel 24 hours per day?
There is not a person in the kennel building 24 hours per day. However, the owner’s personal residence is located on-site, making it easy to address any special needs or occurrences that may arise.

Can my three (or more!) dogs share a kennel?
Yes, three or more dogs may share a kennel with the exception of those who all need to be separated during feeding time. In that situation, you will need to reserve two separate kennels.